14. The Ravages of a Civil War
The most tragic fate we mourned for those young men
Who were born only to die defending their leaders.
Not knowing they were born North, only sent to South to die,
Or losing limbs, eyesight, being handicapped for life.
The saddest fate was for those Northern young men
Who were born in the North but rushed to the South.
Sure found their corpses scattered in the jungles
Because they were condemned to piggyback Uncle Hồ.
The more sorrowful fate for those young men,
Who were born fighting a war between brothers.
Now the country has been at peace for forty years,
Lucky for those who were born after those deadliest years.
Living through a cycle of ebb and flow,
What you witnessed made you sick to your stomach (Kieu)
Independence has been forty years long,
Why are the Vietnamese leaders still in bed with the Red China?
Red China has occupied our islands,
And you are still snoring in your fucking sleep.
Wake up, Vietnamese leaders!
Let’s arm our people with the resolve to defend our borders.
You were ignorant before, we couldn’t undo
For you did not know the true colors of Lenin and Uncle Hồ.
But now the whole world knows the truth about them,
Abandon at once your policy of harassing your people.
Vietnamese people are known for their valor;
We would rise up to meet all challenges.
Defeating Chinese, Frenchmen, and sending home Americans,
But don’t be stupid fighting your own brothers and sisters.
Millions of Vietnamese people like me,
Wishing democracy would prevail so I could come home.
Losing our parents, we all do
But losing our country to China, we’ll be their buffaloes forever.