My dear children,

You should try to care for me and try to be sympathetic to me when the day you see me old and weak!

“If I am messy with my meals, if I am sloppy with my clothes, please be patient” – You must know that I spent so much time teaching you those little things when you were a toddler.

“If I say the same thing again and again, please do not let it bother you! But listen!” – When you were young, you begged me to tell you the same story a thousand times, but I always pleased you.

“If when I am no longer able to bathe myself! Don’t be grouchy” – Know that I fabricated so many tricks to entice you to take a bath when you did not want it to.”

“When I am slow on learning new things, don’t be critical of me but give me time to learn.” – I taught you so many things, from eating your meals, getting dressed, conducting yourself, and facing challenges in life.

“If I have trouble hearing you or trouble talking, just give me time to think, don’t get angry or upset!” – Nothing is more important to me than being next to you and talking to you.

“If I do not have an appetite for food, don’t force me!” – I know when I am hungry and what I can eat. When my poor legs are tired of my body, help me walk the way I helped you learn to take your first steps in life.

“That is…I do not want to live anymore! That I want to die! Don’t be angry with me” – Perhaps, someday, you will understand, at some point in our life, we do not live anymore! Our life is mere existence. Someday, you will understand why I said so. Even though your life will never be complete satisfaction, I still want to give you the best of everything; I want everything to be perfect when you grow up.

“You do not need to feel sad, despaired, or helpless to see me in my old age!” All you need to do is to sit next to me, and try to appreciate all the beautiful things I did for you when you were born.

Please help me to walk again. Help me to see the end of my life that is full of love and patience from you. The most important thing for me is to thank you and that you show me “your smile and endless love.”

(on Mother’s Day by HC) – Translation by VietPhilly